Be sure to register before 10/1 for Early-bird pricing!
No writing 'skills' are needed at all. The only pre-requisite for this workshop is, as Albert Einstein put it, a holy curiosity!
Certified Hypnotherapist with three decades of experience in Mind-Body-Spirit medicine, Julia offers a refreshing approach to your relationship with consciousness, attention, and felt sense.
Using improvisational writing and imagination exercises, we clear a path for your intuition and self-trust to grow and heal. This practice creates new neural networks that re-write your attitude, body response, and life experience.
10am-3pm Please prepare to lunch lightly around mid-day, bring something or try Groove Grover's across the street!
Light Snacks and Tea will be provided
$45 EarlyBird Registration before Oct. 1st
$60 after Oct. 1st.